Monday, December 12, 2011

Protestant?? No fuckin way

Church of England my ass..? so I grew up ticking the Protestant box on the national census, blindly submitting to this label without even the foggiest idea what it was supposed to mean, or how it was different to other strains of Christianity.. neither did my mother come to think of it, yet she still claims she's Protestant ( I know she has no clue what it actually entails).  So a few years ago I started questioning shit like that, and actually reading up on what the fuck it was all suposed to mean.  Turns out they sent a Protestant Priest as opposed to a Catholic one on the first fleet as the King and his croneys believed it was a much better method of control for the uncivilised 'whoring and whiskying' convicts they'd herded onto the boats.  In fact I realised that the more one read about religion, the more exposed for its fraud it became... and only the truly ignorant or fearful would continue to submit the lies and false promises.. ok and the stupid.  So I quickly found myself becoming more aligned with the Atheist perspective of things, with the exception of one or two points.. but more or less they seemed to be much closer to the truth using science as their gospel rather than an old book of chinese whispers, old wives tales, myths and superstitions...

I must admit I felt at first a little hostile to all this clerical bullying and bullshit, but now to me, with all the wars, death, torture, rape etc etc aside.... its purely comical.  So I felt compelled to produce a couple videos expressing both the evil and the comedy of monotheism and its minions..

The first one I whipped up back in 2008 on my old prehistoric get up was Dubstep Debates the Deluded.  It served as a bit of good old honest therapy for me, and I made a couple new friends out of it...

Inspired by this great speech by Richard Dawkins who tore the Pope a new one following his scandalous accusations, I compiled this video collage.. then was blown away by the awesome soundtrack laid down over it by Jermaine Inoue of the equally inspiring Black Atheists of America.  By this stage I was beginning to understand the benefits of cooperation and collaboration, and illustrated my beliefs that there are only 2 kinds of people in this world, the sheep, and the free thinkers, and we are being programmed to divide (so they can conquer) ourselves by race, religion, sex, class, etc etc  The following video is ample evidence that shit can get done, and people from opposite sides of the globe can have parallel thought processes..  Im very proud of this little gem..

And to cap off, 20 minutes of media mania.. a kind of tribute to my hero Christopher Hitchens, and the Black Atheists of America.. both of whom stand up for their beliefs in face of advertisy and disaproval from the ignorant masses...  Rispek!

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