Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Banksy vs Dubstep

About a year and a half ago I decided to teach myself how to use video editing software, so I could make and send dvds to my daughter in Argentina.  In a quest to get some feedback I posted a few of the completed products on youtube, and set up my channnel under the alias name of narcotect. Easily the most popular is Banksy vs Dubstep which to date has earned over 100,000 hits. 

Pretty simple really, I'd spent 3 months riding the buses and trains from Buenos Aires Centro to the Southern Outskirts Lomas De Zamora armed only with the 2nd dubstep studio mix by Gravious of Glasgow fame on my Ipod, checking out the graf on the derelict carriages and bridges along the way.  The two styles of modern day urban expressionism were a perfect accompaniment and after flicking through Banksy's 'Wall and Piece' I was sold on the idea of an art slideshow.  The book itself was awesome, but with an equally intelligent soundtrack and bassline behind it, it would enhance the urban emotion and environment around us today. 

So I cut the audio up a bit to squeeze it in under 10 mins and so it progressed in intensity more rapidly bringing forward the bass for the climax.  I then compiled Banksy' best (in my opinion) streetwork in a succession designed to progress with the tunes in topic, emotion and intensity.  I also wanted to pay tribute to his history and style progression from his early days stencilling rats around London and Bristol, to his more political tongue-in-cheek artwork ending with his assault on Gaza. I intentionally chose the street art as opposed to his 'finer' Gallery style art work, to complement the underground/street style of dubstep...

Im stoked of course by its popularity, but of course recognise its the genius of the two urban expressionsits that deserve the credit for its popularity. 

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