Saturday, September 19, 2009


Well its lunchtime, I havent eaten breakfast (feeling guilty about all the chocolates, ice cream & pizza Ive eaten over the past couple days (a prequel to a 10th b'day celebration). Sluggishly Ive managed to pack half a suitcase over the past week knowing full well I will forget something, no matter how many time I rehearse the list in my head, or scrawl it on paper... just what exactly will I forget this time?
I do have a copy of District 9 for the long haul leg of the journey, but as usual no matter what I try, I just cant get the fuckin thing to work. In the process I have dowbnloaded new players etc which will inevitably infect my new laptop with the mother of all trogans, so its back to pints of beer and valiums to get me through I think. At least Im not doing thee dreaded Aerolineas Argentinas route via Auckland this time, where each & every time there are delays leaving you sitting around the aiport for an additional 8 hours or so (excluding when the plane gets struck by lightening leaving you abandoned there for 3 days without so much as even a message from the captain or cabin staff.) The airline provides no in flight entertainment so you literally just sit there for 2 days like herded cattle, so bored insanity eventually creeps its ugly head in. Thankfully Im doing the direct route from Sydney (after overnighting down there) and I am of the belief that there is actuial entertainment to be found on this airline, so if the laptop movies fail, and the beer & valium dont successfully knock me out, I can at least stare at a little Tv screen, in English for the whole way.

The last 2 visits to Argentia were at first weird, before I began to mould back into the old familiararities. I guess Im feeling the same this time round, kind of going through the motions, trying to minimize potential dramas and brasing myself for whatever emotional melodrama the Ex might put me through. I will of course, just like previous trips, try and balance out the emotional trauma, with some physical pain by going under the needle again. Call it masochism if you will, but with the right state of mind I found I can absorb the pain and enjoy the rush of endorphines at the same time, essentially distracting me from the much worse emotional stuff. Or I simply just punish myself worse than she could.. whatever way you wish to look at it. Either way, at the crazy cheap prices and the talents of one tattooist over there in particular, it almost seems crazy not ink up and justify the expense of the trip with a $3000 tatt for only $300....

Anyway I think Ive braced myself to long this time round, I hope I can relax and soak up some good times and connect with my baby girl...hopefully I can get them out of the stinking city down to the beach.. but as Ive learnt from years of experience, what the Ex says, and what she does are always two completely different things.. I do not want to lose my mind in fucking South America again... no thanks...

Anyway having said all that, there are still some elements i remember fondly.. such as the music and the dance... I filmed this movie from my bedroom window last time Iwas there. Its basically some gauchos rehearsing for a show.... I mixed a mates narco-tango over it which i thought really captured the Argentine vibe... check out Tangothic if you enjoy the unique fusion of Electronic music & tango..... saludos!

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