Thursday, September 10, 2009

Era of Slothdom

"The era of Slothdom is upon us"

So I've been sat here motionless at my desk the past 4 hours since the creation of this blog, finding it difficult to focus 100% on the ever-not-changing challenges of data entry, facilities and maintenance, as flashes of witty blurbs & phrases pierce my inner realm of concentration, yet now as 5 o'clock rolls past and shadows are cast over the village, a wall looms before me..... nothing but fatigue and a craving for slothdom.

The 9-5 rat race can definately stifle the creative mind..

If I was still in possession of my trusty IBM T41 (or is that 43?) lapdog Im sure a couple schooners of Dry could get the cogs back in motion, yet here I dwell alone in this windowless box within which I live a third of my daily existance, unable to chat on MSN, surf porn, or blast out some phat dubstep.... the IT hobbit in Sydney sees all, and one stray semi-nude portrait could spell the end of this looming career prospect. As if sitting here at 5:37pm on a spring evening still clad in workware, and stinking cheap $25 Target shoes isn't enough to stifle the creative genius, but the bouncing of oblong balls and grunts from resident neanderthals can still be detected outside.... hardly an artists haven of inspiration.....

'Fortunately however its payday, and good times can be bought!'
After the fortnighly ceremonial paying-off of my credit-card and the subtle sneaking under the rent-radar while my landlord is gettin all kinds of hedonistic naked 'desert-dodging' at Burning man this month, I have a massive $300 to burn over the coming 2 weeks. Late night shopping therapy calls, but one must resist the cluches of retail evil. As much as consumer culture ills me, I recognise I'm as hopeless a case as the zombified sheep I so despise, my latest addiction being the dreaded ebay tshirt. Thailands export industry has been making a killing from me the past year or so even though I know in a short seven weeks I'm going to have to Koomari-Bin the lot in order to relocate back overseas. Just another form of depraved mashochistic desires and short lived high's, albeit in a more subtle socially acceptable form....

which leads me to..... the tatt dilemma.

To be continued..............

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