Thursday, September 10, 2009

So the Odyssey begins....

"I always was a late bloomer."

Seems 2009 is a late start to the world of blogging, but I never was one to refuse an invitation or challenge from a peer whom I admire, as it seems the most realistic method of learning what they know.

My initial thoughts however, as I write first, navigate second, is that it resembles the setting up of an internet dating profile, without the ultimate goal of finding love or getting laid. So what's the point then? Therapy?

I suppose those phrases and one liners that came to mind in a moment of hazy inspiration are now lost forever, now in the possession of some little lowlife thief who has probably sold my future best seller (cough) for a few hits of the ol' H.... oblivious to the human blood, sweat and tears that had been poured into its files.....

The blog now, seems to represent the diary that I never wrote, the 3 novels which never came to fruition, and a vessel through which I can share my thoughts, feelings and experiences with my closest of friends inconveniently scattered across the globe while I embark on this new adventure looming on the horizon......

Will be an interesting journey Im curious to see how will evolve....

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