Thursday, September 17, 2009

Star Wars retold !

I had planned to waffle off some heartfelt D & M's today, being my final day at work before I head back over to Buenos Aires Sunday. Everyone who asks me "Am I excited?" always seems disapointed by my "Nope," response. Seeing my daughter after a year apart is of course going to be emotional, but Ive found myself dwelling a lot on the new life I've built over the past year, and the inspiring people I've built around me, who I will ultimately be leaving behind.

Nevertheless I was stood up on a late night shopping spree last night so got blitzed and gave the new Lapdog a workout, starting on a new novel idea that has been orbiting my mind for some time. Therefore with Pint sized Aliens and spacepods on the brain I thought I would share this video instead. Pure genius... nuff said!

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