Thursday, September 10, 2009

Last-say Loser

What is it about people who just have to have the last say?
After the final inexcusable display of self absorbed rudeness I told her 'That was the last time, I do not want anymore and I do not want to see you again.' Predictably she responded the next day by text "I can't believe you would speak to me like that, temper temper, don't ever contact me again...' or words to that effect essentially mirroring what I had already said.
Personally I find peoples ignorant inability to digest a message to try and counter-dump the dumper, through whatever personality malfunction they may have, comical. Admittedly I saw the signs a mile off, the $12,000 'confidence' boosters and the endless self justification of her shallow exploits leading up to the breakdown of her marriage. She proudly would declare that when she sensed he was cheating she cheated first, she 'won' because she got the house & dogs even though she would constantly moan about it... She would ask a question only to cut me off mid sentence to answer her own question... WTF? Only interested in one thing obviously ... herself! I guess every guy has at least once dated one of those deranged morsels of the human species at some time, who during the most intimate of moments would waffle on and on about her Ex, in some self centered delusion that guys are somehow impressed by it. One would presume a person with an iota of self respect would be too proud to let their insecurity commandeer their rationale thought, but ever so often we cross paths with a being who has the innate ability to mislead and deceive themselves to their own ignorant advantage. I suppose this is what gives birth to the alter ego (or schizophrenic drugfucked mind!)
In hindsight and the subsequent aftermath, my faith in that inexplicable force karma has been restored. No need to provide details... life is good (for some.)

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