Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Banksy vs Burial

Critics of my first Banksy vs Dubstep video suggested at the time it should have been Banksy vs Burial... Hindsight of course is a bitch. Now however, a couple years later, Banksy's been busy as fuck, and now there is enough new art up around the place for a new video.. apparently (thanks to one of the many new age trainspotting art snobs who rudely pointed it out) also features artworks from Mantis, Paul Insect, FAKE, Eelus, Nick Walker, Robbo, Dolk & Pobel. Admittedly I originally thought all these pieces were Banksy's, but with so much going on these days, and conflicting information on the internet, its difficult keeping up to date on it all... I don't claim to be an expert on all things Banksy, just a mere fan. It was originally my plan to allow collaborative annotations on this video so you the viewer could label those 'not banksy's ' with the name of the particular artist, but have now discovered youtube has disabled the feature due to excessive spam. Sucks really, would have been cool to be an interactive community piece where you could all tag the video with relevant info like location, dates etc

Big ups to all wicked street artists & dubstep producers.. for me this era will be remembered for these 2 urban artforms..

... and as a footnote, getting sidetracked from the job at hand I boshed this one in about an hour or so.  Love this tune by Noisia & Foreign Beggars, and gives the vid a whole different energy & attitude.

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