Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sydney vs Buenos Aires

Its official (in my mind at least) Sydney is a more dangerous city than many of these so called ´dangerous cities abroad´ I have always felt more fearful there than anywhere else.. Australians recently voted Sydney the worst city in Oz, where on any night out (in my experience) you will witness handful of fights/violent incidents, however in so-called dangerous Buenos Aires, I have been and done everything ive been told specifically not to do, and to date have not witnessed a single violent incident.. you could not say that if you were in Sydney, London or NY...with 4 million people in Sydney and 11 million in BsAs, you´d ignorantly assume the stats would be leaning the other way.. so turn off your fucking televisions, ignore the endless bullshit propaganda relentlessly shoved down your necks.. 
they are not úncivilised here, WE are the arrogant ones for thinking so!  We have a lot to learn as a young nation and culture, because we are no doubt  currently on the wrong path, and have an opportunity to learn a lot from a wiser and more experienced society..(wisdom is gained through experience right?)  Just check statistics in comparison to populations and you will see we Aussies are up there with the WORST!.. and any trawling of public forums, youtube etc.. you will see our reputation as the most loved travellers is rapidly diminishing.. we have a reputation for violence and racism..   is this what we want?  We cannot hide behind our adolescence forever, lets shut the fuck up and listen to our friends abroad and maybe we will learn a thing or two....

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